Muntham House School 9 Pupils in our secondary department learn in small classes with highly trained, fully committed staff. The curriculum is based on the fundamental key subjects of English, Maths, Science and ICT and further enhanced through additional subjects such as Music, Art, DT, Graphics, Geography, History, PE, Media Studies and Careers. We encourage all pupils to take part in after school clubs, activity days and residential experiences, which help them to build their social and emotional skills and develop academically. This enables all of our key stage 4 pupils to access and achieve the full range of GCSE examinations. MunthamHouse School aims to build pupils’ self-esteem and confidence in order for them to become resilient independent learners, who can overcome challenges and succeed. Across the school there is a culture of high expectations and staff work hard to promote this in every subject area. Opportunities for learning are maximised by the most up to date facilities and IT equipment in every classroom. We celebrate successes continually in order to provide all pupils with the opportunities to increase their self esteem and self confidence, enabling them to reach their full potential. SECONDARY