Muntham House Whole School Brochure

Muntham House School 1 SAFE | CARING | HAPPY

‘I genuinely feel Muntham House School has been life changing for our son and he is in the best possible place he could be. We will always be grateful for the impact Muntham House School has had on us as a family.’ Parent

Muntham House School 1 I am delighted to welcome you to Muntham House School’s brochure which will provide you with information about all key areas of the school. Muntham House School is one of the leading specialist schools in the country offering both day and residential provision for boys aged between 5 and 18. A highly qualified and experienced staff team of the highest quality and state of the art facilities help enable all pupils to succeed and maximise their potential. Our focus is on changing andmaintaining the attitudes of our pupils, by motivating pupils to value and start to enjoy their learning again, in order that they develop, succeed, and maximise their full potential. PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME INDEX 1 PRINCIPAL’SWELCOME 2-3 PRE PRIMARY 4-5 PRIMARY 6-7 FOREST SCHOOL 8-9 SECONDARY 10-11 EXTENDED EDUCATION UNIT 12-13 BOARDING 14-15 EEU BOARDING 16-17 THERAPY MunthamHouse School is located within 23 acres of picturesque West Sussex countryside and is a truly wonderful environment. Our core principles are Safe, Caring and Happy and we encompass these into everything which we do across the school. All pupils are provided with fantastic opportunities to learn and re-engage with their education in order to become self-motivated learners. Our aim is for all pupils to grow as well rounded confident young people, in preparation for adulthood being work life ready for when they leave school. Pupils are extremely well supported on both the education and the residential side. The relationships which exist between staff and pupils are excellent and this is something which we value highly, to help ensure pupils feel both safe and happy. A strong multi-disciplinary team enables all pupils to be fully supported providing a wide range of therapy, counselling and emotional support as and when needed. I hope that you are able to obtain everything needed from our brochure, however if not, then please contact the school office and we will be happy to provide further support and information for you. Mr Anderson Principal

‘Many pupils make excellent progress due to the high-calibre support they receive from staff.’ Ofsted

Muntham House School 3 The modern classroom is perfectly located in an idyllic walled garden. This creates a purpose built indoor facility with high quality resources to engage pupils in their learning. The natural outdoor environment creates a space in which pupils learn to play, explore and experiment together. Children learn effectively when they are safe, happy and well cared for. Our tranquil nurturing environment in Pre Primary creates the perfect setting for pupils to achieve this and succeed. MunthamHouse Pre Primary is heavily staffed by well qualified and experienced staff to fully support the learning of our pupils. Therapy is included in the curriculum and delivered by high quality therapists to fully support their needs at all times. PRE PRIMARY

‘My son is a different child since attending Muntham House School. It is the first time he has felt accepted and part of a community. The opportunities are excellent and he has had many new experiences since being there.’ Parent

Muntham House School 5 In Primary all staff develop strong relationships with pupils, helping them to achieve both academically and socially. This also ensures that pupils enjoy their education and are happy at school. The school day is designed to meet the individual needs of all pupils. Lessons are divided into small units of work where visuals are used throughout with exercise and sensory breaks. The broad and balanced curriculum helps to build pupil’s self-esteem and confidence creating independent resilient learners. Our goal is for every child to be the best they can be and maximise the opportunities available to them. PRIMARY

‘I can hear myself laugh again.’ Pupil

Muntham House School 7 Pupils at MunthamHouse School have the opportunity to participate in our Forest Schools programme. This unique activity takes place outside in our woods within the Forest School area. Pupils will experience den building, bush craft, forest skills and camp cooking throughout the Forest Schools programme. Pupils will develop their self-esteem and confidence through hands on learning in the natural environment. The pupils will also improve their social skills, communication skills, leadership skills and their ability to work as part of a team as they are challenged to work together. FOREST SCHOOL

‘The school provides a highly structured environment that enables children and young people to express themselves and develop their individuality.’ Ofsted

Muntham House School 9 Pupils in our secondary department learn in small classes with highly trained, fully committed staff. The curriculum is based on the fundamental key subjects of English, Maths, Science and ICT and further enhanced through additional subjects such as Music, Art, DT, Graphics, Geography, History, PE, Media Studies and Careers. We encourage all pupils to take part in after school clubs, activity days and residential experiences, which help them to build their social and emotional skills and develop academically. This enables all of our key stage 4 pupils to access and achieve the full range of GCSE examinations. MunthamHouse School aims to build pupils’ self-esteem and confidence in order for them to become resilient independent learners, who can overcome challenges and succeed. Across the school there is a culture of high expectations and staff work hard to promote this in every subject area. Opportunities for learning are maximised by the most up to date facilities and IT equipment in every classroom. We celebrate successes continually in order to provide all pupils with the opportunities to increase their self esteem and self confidence, enabling them to reach their full potential. SECONDARY

‘My son can finally feel that he is achieving at school and put the past negative experiences of education behind him. He looks forward to going to school every day and has made many friends in pupils and staff alike.’ Parent

Muntham House School 11 The EEU is a safe, happy and caring environment to support and educate pupils throughout Post-16 education. The main aim is to increase pupils’ independence and confidence so that they become work ready. Our pupils follow personalised programmes specialising in their chosen areas of study. These bespoke programmes combine further academic study with vocational pathways. Pupils are provided with the opportunity to attend college and are accompanied and supported by our staff to help ensure pupils engage, enjoy and succeed. All pupils learn to drive as part of the EEU curriculum and have the chance to obtain additional qualifications during care time such as First Aid, AQA Life Skills qualifications, Citizenship qualifications and the Duke of Edinburgh Award. EXTENDED EDUCATION UNIT

‘This school has had a massive and life changing impact on residential pupils’ lives.’ Ofsted

Muntham House School 13 Our outstanding boarding provision is set across two floors. Bodiam floor houses our 9 to 13 year olds and Arundel is for our pupils aged 14-16 years. Each pupil is encouraged to personalise their bedroom. Our care provision is pupil focused and our qualified residential staff deliver high quality support in a nurturing environment that is homely and stimulating to promote social, emotional and academic development. We have fantastic facilities including a gym, pool room, games room and an arcade. This enables all pupils to feel at home and enjoy the care curriculum. There are on-site and off-site activities including swimming, rock climbing, youth clubs, parkour, sports clubs, cadets and mountain biking. BOARDING

‘Muntham House School has had a life-changing effect on our family. The staff are incredible at what they do and the level of care, support and expertise that they provide daily are second to none. Our son has every opportunity to succeed in his future, thanks to the unswerving dedication, infinite patience and phenomenal talent of the staff team at Muntham.’ Parent

Muntham House School 15 Our EEU boarding provision is a collection of 12 purpose built studio flats where pupils can learn life skills and independence in preparation for adulthood and becoming independent. Pupils are encouraged to make their flats homely by adding their own personal touches and choices of furniture. Pupils in the EEU are taught the necessary life skills such as;  Cooking  Cleaning  Washing  Ironing  Money Management  Independent Travel Training  Employment Skills In order that pupils can cope, achieve, succeed and flourish in society as independent well rounded young adults. EEU BOARDING

‘The physical environment is exceptional.’ Ofsted

Muntham House School 17 SALT LEGO ANGER MANAGEMENT DRAMA DRUM CAMHS OCCUPATIONAL EQUINE ART CANINE Therapy at MunthamHouse School plays a key role in promoting pupils’ well being and mental health. Qualified and experienced therapists deliver specialised therapy to support pupils’ individual needs. This service is available to all pupils at times of stress, anxiety or crisis. Our caring therapeutic approach permeates everything from our curriculum to our pastoral care. This ensures pupils remain safe and happy and are able to engage, enjoy and succeed in their education programme here at MunthamHouse School. THERAPY

‘I can hear myself laugh again’ Pupil Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ Tel: 01403 730302 Fax: 01403 730510 email: [email protected] A281 A264 A281 A29 A29 A29 A24 From M25 J9 Cuckfield Bolney Crossways Cowfold Southwater Rudgwick Hop Oast R’bout Great Daux R’bout Horsham Crawley A272 M23 A23 J11 A264 From Brighton From A27 Worthing Muntham House School