

At Muntham House School we believe everybody will reach their potential if; they know they are safe; feel cared for; and are given experiences and opportunities to ensure their happiness. We instil this culture into all the areas of school life, with the aim that all pupils are healthy, resilient, confident and ready for their next stage in life when they leave the school. The focus as pupils move through the school is to prepare them for adulthood ensuring that pupils develop into well rounded young people. 

The journey through Muntham House School starts with Infants.  Here the pupils’ classroom is nestled safely in the Secret Garden. This is where the pupils learn through play and outdoor learning, while building on their needs and learning how to engage in their learning. They then move on to the Junior Unit.  In Juniors, pupils have the chance to become more independent and their experiences become more challenging as they venture into our woods for Forest School. Once they have achieved their target of becoming ‘Secondary Ready’, pupils are welcomed into ‘Main School’.  Here we have a range of specialist teachers to help and encourage every pupil to achieve GCSE's and other accredited qualifications.  The final part of the Muntham journey is the Post-16 Unit, where pupils can not only continue their studies, but also become ‘Work Life Ready’. 

The school provides a highly structured environment that enables children and young people to express themselves and develop their individuality


My son is a different child since attending Muntham House. It is the first time he has felt accepted and part of a community. The opportunities are excellent and he has had many new experiences since being there


Many pupils make excellent progress due to the high-calibre support they receive from staff


DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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