

Muntham House School Secondary Department caters for pupils in Key Stage 3 and 4 providing personalised learning in a caring, supportive and safe environment. The curriculum is based on the key subjects of English, Maths, Science and ICT, and also provides a wide range of additional subjects to engage and motivate pupils in their learning. Muntham House School aims to build pupils self-esteem and confidence in order for them to become more resilient and independent learners, who can overcome challenges and succeed in later life.

Learning pathway options are offered as part of the GCSE and BTEC option choices that pupils make during year 9. These pathway options enable pupils to select more of the subjects which they are interested in and enjoy studying further. The learning pathways are focused on areas which will help prepare pupils for the employment routes in the Post-16 Unit. Here, pupils have a bespoke timetable concentrated heavily on their chosen interests, supported by an independence program, vocational skills, work experience and learning to drive.

Across the school there is a culture of high expectations, and staff work hard to promote this in every subject area. Every opportunity for learning is maximised, and we celebrate successes continually to provide all pupils with the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Independent learning is encouraged, all pupils are supported to develop a love of learning. Enrichment sessions are also available for pupils wishing to extend their knowledge and understanding. Pupils’ emotional and social needs are constantly supported, monitored and developed with staff. As well as this, very strong relationships are established and maintained between staff and pupils across the school. This helps to enable pupils to achieve and succeed, growing and developing in all areas.

DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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