
Work Life Ready Programme

At Muntham House School we have created a ‘Work Life Ready’ Programme to help transition our pupils onto further education and/or employment. We have focused on seven areas of success for our pupils.

  • Personal Development
  • Daily & Living Skills
  • Money Management
  • Accessing the Community
  • Work Ready / Employability
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Learning and Development

Through this programme we can identify areas of need and focus our support and teaching on how and what the pupils needs to succeed in life after Muntham House School. 

The data collection tool allows the user and the pupil to easily identify areas that needs specific targeting for the pupil. This then allows strategies and activities to be put in place to achieve the desired outcomes. Resulting in the pupils making progress in the desired areas. The evidence of this is reflected in the wheel score improvements. The clear colour system used gives a clear view of how the data is gathered. This is both effective and creates clarity for the parents, governors, teachers and pupils themselves on how the findings are reached.

The Work Life Ready Wheel encourages collaborative practice amongst practitioners due to the termly reviewing process and the ability to share and compare progress with other schools using the wheels. This has made target setting a fluid and precise process. Each section directly indicates and influences the area in which that pupil needs to make progress. thereby it has become a tool that bridges the gap between an individual's SEN needs and future needs to become independent and ready for the next stage in their life when they leave school.

Life Skills is a broad and complex part of everyday in Post-16, and it too earns committed pupils an AQA Life Skills Certificate. This diverse course covers issues and skills such as mental and sexual health and well-being, independent travel, money management and cooking to state just a few.

Gaining a driving licence is not the only way we ensure our pupils are ready to move on. By following the Work Life Ready Programme, created by the Assistant Head of the Post-16 Unit - Shane Kenny, we ensure a holisitic approach to creating a pathway for each of our pupils'. The Post-16 Core Curriculum subjects are Careers, Life Skills, Functional Skills, Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE), Young Enterprise and ICT. We then carefully track the pupils' progress on the Work Life Ready Wheel so we can talk to the pupils and their families about how best to support them and where their strengths lie. 

Muntham House School Careers Programme

DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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