

Technology, Data Acquisitions, and Analysis are evolving at an unparalleled rate since the Industrial Revolution. At Muntham House School, Mathematics is evolving too. Whilst it still involves more traditional formal methods, it is being aimed to cope with the increasing demands for data skills and problem-solving in the workplace, with a strong foundation in numeracy.

The primary goal, however, is for pupils to be happy, enjoy the subject, and learn some cool stuff along the way! Whether we're building Lego bridges or learning to rearrange equations, there's something to engage all to motivate learners.

In the secondary provision, we follow the White Rose program. As this is also the programme followed in Primary, it provides Muntham House School with thorough curriculum coverage from Years One through Eleven. At the end of KS4 the pupils will sit the GCSE through the AQA syllabus. At the end of KS3, the Mathematics department decide whether the foundation course (Grade 1-5) or the higher GCSE (Grade 5-9) is better suited to provide the best outcome for each individual. Over the course of the academic year, we cover many topics within the six core groups, which are: 

  • Number 
  • Algebra 
  • Geometry and Shape 
  • Statistics 
  • Probability 
  • Ratio and Proportion 

Once the pupils have a strong grasp of Numbers, this allows them to explore fluently between other topics. It is important within Mathematics to keep the topics fresh and interesting. Therefore, we only spend a maximum of 3 weeks on each topic. If the pupil struggles with the topic, we will offer extra interventions with a specialist to support the key concepts they are missing. If a pupil is excelling or has a true passion for Mathematics, we will offer stretch and develop sessions which allow the pupils to explore the depths of the higher content.  


The intent behind the mathematics planning, teaching and learning is: 

  • To develop an enthusiasm for and fascination with mathematics. 
  • To equip pupils with powerful mathematical tools that can be used throughout their independent lives.  
  • To increase the confidence of each pupil in mathematics to enable them to apply the knowledge and skills with assurance. 
  • To work with local mainstream schools and national SEND placements (accessed through the engage in their futures group) to share good practices in order to improve this policy 
  • To provide Pupils with the numeracy skills needed to enable social mobility so that none are placed at a disadvantage when entering adulthood and looking for full-time work. 


Mathematics is taught as a discrete subject but is also integrated into the other subject topic areas across the school. Through this, pupils learn the place of mathematics in the world around them, and they gain a greater insight into the practical benefits of developing their mathematical understanding. Pupils develop mathematics through using a variety of methods: mental strategies, practical activity, written calculations, problem-solving, use of mathematical tools, discussion, and application of basic skills. Pupils of different levels of ability are supported through the differentiation of activities provided, and by the outcome. Differentiation means that all pupils are taught an age-appropriate curriculum. Teachers model growth mindset techniques of how to tackle failure and frustration within the classroom through overt discussions and asking questions which cover incorrect or alternative methods or answers, often using the phrase ‘I wonder if…’. This seeks to create a classroom ethos of acceptance and learning where pupils are not afraid to articulate their thinking, share their methods or verbalise an answer which might not be correct. Resources used to support, promote and explore the full range of mathematical concepts in the teaching of mathematics include, but are not limited to; White Rose Maths; MyMaths; Freckle; Accelerated Maths; Times Table Rockstars.  


Through the implementation of the maths policy and teaching, we seek to ensure that every pupil leaves Muntham House School with a formal maths qualification (for example, a GCSE or Functional Skills), and the ability to: 

  • Be financially independent 
  • Able to access public transport 
  • Manage time effectively 
  • Plan effectively in order to prepare for and manage changes 
  • Access the wider world of work or go on to further study 

Additionally, the progress of and skills gained by each pupil in Post-16 is recorded and measured on Muntham House School’s Work-Life Ready Wheel. 

Curriculum Map - Maths                          Maths Policy

DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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