

Primary Science at Muntham House School focuses on a mixture of explorative and practical tasks to engage and inspire pupils. Within the Primary unit, pupils will follow the Science programmes of study: For key stages 1 & 2 of the National Curriculum in England. The National Curriculum for Science aims to ensure that all pupils: 

  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
  • Are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

The programmes of study for science are set out year-by-year for key stages 1 and 2.  They are weaved into the Primary unit's Creative Curriculum half-termly topics and create links to the overall topic focus. Each key stage focuses on different aspects of science, relevant to the programmes of study for that specific year group. 

The school uses a variety of teaching and learning styles in Science lessons, which helps to enrich their understanding and immerse pupils fully into the science sub topic they are studying. To supplement their classwork, pupils will engage with, hands on experiments, STEM week, offsite trips, and themed days throughout the year. These extra-curricular activities provide opportunities for pupils to experience different aspects of science and learn with a hands on approach.


At Muntham House School, we aim to deliver and develop a science curriculum in line with the National Curriculum, which is engaging, inspiring and inclusive for all pupils, regardless of where they are academically and socially when they start with us. Our teaching of science is underpinned by creating an accessible and hands on curriculum. With the aim to help pupils gain a secure knowledge and understanding of the sub-topics covered within our 6-year science curriculum cycle regardless of where they are at academically. Within this topic cycle, we repeat and cover topics at different levels and stages to ensure that all areas of science can be accessible to the individual learner, even if pupils begin with us later in their primary school journey. The curriculum is structured in a way which encourages and allows pupils to make links between their prior knowledge, current understanding, and previous learnt information. Our practical learning, can be linked with cross-curricular learning and inspires pupils to think scientifically and be curious about the world we live in.

We aim for pupils to build confidence in asking questions, thinking scientifically, and providing evidence in supporting their thoughts, predictions, and findings. At Muntham House, our intent when teaching science is to engage and capture pupils’ attention and develop their knowledge and understanding of the subjects delivered and the world around them.


Teachers use a variety or teaching and learning styles in their science lessons to develop further pupils’ knowledge and understanding of science. Throughout lessons, we look to implement that pupils develop an interest, curiosity and love for science and recognise how it has impacted and formed the world they live in. It is important we recognise that throughout our school we understand and support that pupils have differing abilities. Within our teaching and pupil learning we look to implement and provide suitable learning opportunities for all pupils and create a pathway into secondary which provides them with the tools to succeed. We aim to achieve this by, using a range of strategies which are differentiated to the learner and are relevant to expected outcomes, personalised learning, and the level of support needed. The school also takes part in STEM week, which allows the pupils to experience a week dedicated to the celebration of science, technology, engineering and math through a range of different activities and events.

Core subjects are assessed throughout the year stating whether pupils are working towards, at or exceeding age-related expectations. This is then used to make sure all pupils are continuing to make progress and any pupils whose progress drops, or increases can be addressed accordingly. 


Throughout our science teaching we look to ensure that we develop pupils' passion and curiosity within science. We look to create and develop an enriched science provision which means that pupils can engage with the world around them, will make them happy, valued useful, fulfilled, and knowledgeable. We look to impact the lives of our learners and educated them to a standard which will develop and facilitate scientific literate language. This will allow them to understand, debate and discuss issues that will affect their lives. We hope that the impact of our teaching can open the eyes of the pupils and help them grasp the concepts of science. For example: food groups, how the sun affects our bodies, importance of exercise, personal hygiene and what the implications of pollution may be.

Our teaching ensures that regardless of what class the pupil is in they can develop relevant skills for their own individual development as learners and make progress within this time. Our plans and work will show that a range of subjects and themes are covered throughout in our creative curriculum and concepts and prior learning will be revisited, while making cross curricular links.

Our aim at Muntham House is to offer an inclusive curriculum that is relevant and accessible to all pupils regardless of needs and ability. We look to raise levels of confidence, self-esteem and promote celebration of learners' success regardless of how big or small. We look to provide an enriched science curriculum which is centred around our pupils needs while proving a safe, caring and happy environment where they are comfortable and enable to learn.


DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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