

Our Primary Curriculum has been carefully designed specifically with the needs of our Muntham pupils at its centre, providing access to a broad, balanced curriculum for all with the intent to build pupils' self-esteem and confidence to become more independent learners. Our pupils come to us with a range of educational experiences and pre-dispositions that we are able to accommodate and work with through our tailored groupings.

Our curriculum is underpinned by Social, Emotional and Mental Health values (SEMH) which champion the need to attend to the well-being of our pupils first. The curriculum enables pupils to socialise, communicate, collaborate and manage their relationships positively. This in turn will enable pupils to develop the skills necessary to learn; resilience, relationships, risk-taking, resourcefulness and reflection as part of their personal development.  This is supported and monitored closely through the use of the Muntham House Outcomes Wheel data. 

Curriculum Intent 

The intent of our curriculum is to develop the skills and attributes in our young learners that will enable them to thrive throughout their educational careers and into their future lives as independent, assertive and inquisitive young minds, adding to their local communities. The curriculum encompasses all parts of the pupils’ day, fostering their ability to be “ready to learn”, meaning they are able to conduct themselves safely in a learning environment which they share with others, are able to express their opinions and in turn listen to those of others with respect and consideration. The aspiration for each individual pupil is for them to be working at age-expected levels as quickly as possible in their educational journey.

Curriculum Implementation 

We have designed a Creative Curriculum plan whereby the implementation ensures the needs of the Primary National Curriculum are met through imaginative, experimental and enjoyable teaching whilst being flexible enough to reflect the personal interests and motivations of the pupils. Every morning the pupils will begin with Topic (English) as their first lesson, building and enhancing their levels of both oral and recorded communication. Whilst the pupils' focus will be on the subject matter being studied the staff, have planned meticulously to allow for a full range of genres, writing and comprehension tasks to be completed through purposeful activities that drive the learning of pupils.

Following this Maths is always taught, largely in a discrete lesson, but linked to the creative curriculum where possible. The learning can be conducted both inside and outside the classroom to great effect, using a wide range of resources and methods to allow the learner to apply logic that they can fully understand.

Through the Creative Curriculum Program, pupils are immersed in a broad and balanced curriculum including the following subject areas: Science, ICT, History, Geography, RE, Design Technology, PSHE, PE, Music, Art and Drama in a contextual manner.

This is supported further with educational trips and in-house opportunities to deepen their engagement within the curriculum. We provide opportunities to develop closer links with the local and wider community to enable pupils to learn about the world around them and have a positive impact on their world.  In the primary department, we start to develop pupils' Cultural Capital, supporting them to succeed and engage in wider society throughout their lives.

For the academic year 2022-2023, these are the topics our Creative Curriculum will be covering;

Autumn:   Physical world and World events including the Olympics.

Spring:     Body systems and Romans.

Summer:  Feel the force and Fire and Ice.

Through the implementation of our curriculum design, alongside continual reflections, assessment and development, the curriculum plans are constantly reviewed and built upon to cater to our pupil's individual needs and ensure the greatest possible impact on them and their development.

Curriculum Impact

Our primary curriculum is two-fold in its impact – firstly, creating pupils who are able to enter secondary school with the skill set and personal resilience to successfully be part of a learning community ready to take on new academic challenges and where they still require support to have communicated the wealth of knowledge gained from that specific pupil of their learning styles, triggers, motivators, social interactions, external factors etc. which would enable the secondary staff to support their development further. Secondly, to equip their young minds with knowledge and information contained within the primary national curriculum allowing them to have the best possible start in life regardless of their prior experiences or learning need – leaving school with qualifications and experiences which open doors to a bright and healthy future. Our overall impact is to demonstrate to our young pupils that they are a valuable part of our learning community and they have a voice that deserves to be heard.


DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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