
Careers and Work Experience

Pupils are provided with a full and accredited Careers and Employability programme from year 9. Preparation for Adulthood outcomes sits at the centre of everything we do to prepare pupils to make a successful transition to adulthood. All pupils engage in work experience placement to develop their understanding of the world of work. 

All pupils participate in an ASDAN Employability programme in which they learn about the world of work, explore their skills and qualities and receive career advice and guidance from qualified professionals to help them make their Post-16 choices.  Added to this, all pupils in year 10 engage in a week-long work experience placement with the opportunity to extend this in year 11, if appropriate.

As part of the careers curriculum, pupils can participate in national careers events, including Skills London and the National Apprenticeship Show, local employer events and the Muntham Careers Fair.  They also benefit from scheduled Careers in the Curriculum Days, visits from local employers/businesses, and visits to/from further education providers.

Pupils are fully prepared to transition from Muntham to their local area and know how and where to seek advice and support.  We also maintain contact with our pupils for three years and offer ongoing advice as needed until they are settled in further education, employment or training.


To welcome pupils from Years 7 - 11 into the work of Careers & Employability. We want to make learning and thinking about their futures fun! It is important to the Careers team that we support every pupil independently, so they can follow their own personal career path. We aim for all pupils to gain experience towards becoming employable.

We want every pupil to be able to obtain a job doing something in which they are interested in. Pupils must also have the knowledge and understanding of how to progress within their chosen career. 


Pupils are welcomed to Careers in Year 7, where they go to KidZania in London with their tutors and Careers staff. They then have a follow-up lesson on Careers later in the year, where they learn about the careers curriculum. From Year 8, all pupils have weekly careers lessons, working with guidelines from the Gatsby Benchmarks. In Year 9, pupils will start to have meaningful experiences with professionals both in and outside of school. They also start their careers action plans with Mark Anderson, a level 7 Careers coach. In year 10, the pupils participate in a week of work experience, which they have chosen. This is often extended. In Year 11, pupils are building CV’s, and learning about interviews. Many are also getting part-time jobs and working with staff on getting and keeping jobs. From year 9, pupils will also visit colleges and talk to tutors at colleges who teach the subjects that they are interested in. Pupils are fully supported when making their Post-16 plans, this can be continuing at the Muntham House College, or heading to another destination.


Pupils know what jobs are out there and what they need to do to get these jobs/careers as they understand LMI. All of our pupils have further education or apprenticeship placements to go to either at Muntham House or externally when they finish Year 11.

Pupils know all their options and are able to make good decisions with full support when they make them.

The Careers Department is:

  • Friendly, with a door always open for a chat or advice.
  • Committed to getting pupils employment or further education.
  • Working within the Gatsby Benchmarks.
  • Helping pupils with employment and also self-development as good citizens.
  • Running a 24 hour Curriculum.

Muntham House School Careers Programme

Careers & LMI Information


DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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