Maths is taught using the White Rose program. Focusing on one scheme, ensures that we have a thorough curriculum coverage and key skill development throughout the year. The program covers year 1 to 6 so our team have access to the teaching plans for all year groups and can tailor the teaching and targeted outcome for each individual pupil in their class. Over the course of an academic year, we will cover:
Alongside this, we also use Times Table Rockstars, Numbots and Freckle, as independent tasks for pupils to assess their knowledge of multiplication facts and revisit previous topics covered, whilst also bridging gaps in learning. To ensure there are no gaps for any of our learners, a curriculum has been developed for those developing their maths skills below expected outcomes. There is opportunity to stretch and develop our more able pupils to extend their learning and understanding in Maths.
We aim to deliver a maths curriculum which allows pupils to access their learning at the stage of which they are performing, irrespective of their year group. The delivery of our curriculum will bring maths into a practical context, as well as teaching pupils the theoretical skills required to complete independent written mathematical tasks. Pupils are to be assessed at the start and end of a topic to ensure progress is being made, providing opportunities alongside daily teacher observations to create next steps in learning.
Mathematical opportunities are embedded throughout our curriculum, steering away from the traditional standalone subject. Pupils will have the opportunity to access maths within their learning across a variety of subjects and within their everyday play or daily tasks. With a broad exposure to maths opportunities, we aim for pupils to develop a wide range of problem solving skills and the best possible opportunity to access assessments at the appropriate level. Where appropriate, pupils at Muntham House will sit the KS1 SATs, the Year 4 multiplication test and the KS2 SATs.
Our main objective, regardless of a pupils’ academic ability, is to embed a love of learning with maths and provide them with the skills to solve real life problems which will help enable them to develop independence in later life.
At Muntham House, we use the White Rose maths programme to guide planning, ensuring a cohesive approach is taken across all year groups. This enables classes to create the appropriate lessons which will follow the same topic, yet reach all pupils in class, regardless of the different abilities. A bespoke curriculum has been developed by Muntham House to ensure those performing below the expectation of Year One are able to build their key maths skills to provide them with opportunities to access the national curriculum.
At the beginning and end of each topic, teacher will assess pupils of their understanding of a particular maths skill to ensure lessons are delivered at the appropriate level of progress has been made. Alongside this, teachers use Accelerated Maths to assess children every half term. This enables teachers to use a variety of assessments to get an accurate view of individual pupil’s abilities, utilising high staff ratios within class ensure that an intervention based approach can be taken within class when a pupil is struggling to grasp new concepts.
Across all Primary classes, a variety of practical resources are available to provide all pupils with the chance to form a range of strategies when trying to solve a mathematical problem; guaranteeing all learning styles are catered for. To keep learning of maths alive and relevant for pupils, a range of technological resources are also available. Depending on ability, pupils are set Times Table Rockstars as homework, have access to a selection of Osmo apps to promote elements of maths topics, online maths games set to make learning engaging and an array of apps available on the Interactive White Boards in each Primary class.
Maths opportunities are discreetly embedded across the Primary Unit, with maths games in classes available for free play, tuff trays which are regularly set up with math tasks, maths visuals in classrooms and in play spaces, participation in maths curriculum days and maths play free flow equipment.
The Maths curriculum at Muntham House promotes high levels of progress to pupils across the Primary Unit, promoting a love of learning towards mathematical tasks. The delivery of teaching ensures that regardless of what class pupils are in they are able to develop skills relevant to their ability and make progression within this. Our work will show that all key maths topics are being covered, concepts are revisited, and cross curricular links are made where possible.
Our approach ensures parents/carers are involved in their pupil’s learning, discussing appropriate strategies and tasks to implement with home, guiding parents through homework tasks and sharing classwork achievements when they occur. School to home communications ensures parents are aware of their children’s abilities and are felt empowered to support their children in stretching their learning, helping each pupil to achieve their full potential.