

Music at Muntham House School aims to inspire and engage pupils to develop a love for music and encourage them to be creative artists. Pupils will be taught to perform, listen and evaluate a range of music whilst also understanding what goes into making a musical piece. Within the Primary unit, pupils will the the Music programmes of study as a framework to fllow:  In key stages 1 & 2 Music aims to ensure that all pupils:  

  • Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants
  • Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and instruments
  • Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory
  • Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds
  • Develop an understanding of the history of music
  • Play tuned and un-tuned instruments musically


At Muntham House school, we aim to deliver a music curriculum that pupils and teachers enjoy and feel inspired by together. Our pupils participate in a range of musical experiences, building up their confidence at the same time. They develop their understanding of rhythm and pitch and learn how music is structured, as well as learning technical vocabulary for these elements. As pupils’ confidence builds, they enjoy the performance aspect of music. Pupils experience listening to music from different cultures and eras. In our lessons we aim to expose and inspire our pupils to express how they think and feel about the music they experience in these lessons. We want our pupils to look forward to music and or it to be a positive subject for pupils, regardless of their ability.

Our Music lessons are linked to our topics so the learning is engaging, but also in a real world context. They provide the building blocks of performing, thinking, communicating and evaluating so the pupils can use these skills in later school years as well as their future lives. Providing the pupils with these opportunities is crucial as they need the exposure into these key skills and the mind-set of how to think for themselves in the future.


The music skills and understanding are built into every lesson that is taught as these are the foundations of children growing in this subject. Through these lessons we intend to inspire pupils to become enthusiastic musicians who are open to new experiences regardless of their abilities. It is crucial for pupils to be exposed to music from different cultures and era, having the opportunity to think about how it makes them feel, discuss this with others and the opportunity to try and replicate it for themselves. We revisit our skills to provide pupils the opportunity to constantly continue their musical growth and to expose them to new opportunities, whilst also growing their knowledge of music from around the world and the past. Allowing pupils to experience different instruments and to have the exposure to them is essential in developing their practical skills and opportunities of enjoyment. We recognise that there are pupils of differing abilities in all our classes, and so we provide suitable learning opportunities for all pupils. We achieve this through a range of strategies which are differentiated by expected outcome and support from peers or adults. We use our curriculum to inspire pupils and fully engage them with key areas of the music curriculum. Our varying topics are an exciting opportunity to allow all our pupils to develop the key skills and enable pupils to develop questions and make links with their learning.

Foundation subjects are assessed throughout the year stating whether pupils are working towards, at or exceeding age-related expectations. This is then used to make sure all pupils are continuing to make progress and any pupils whose levels drop, or increase can be addressed accordingly.


Through our music teaching will ensure that pupils will all be exposed to the opportunities provided in order to develop their enthusiasm for the subject, which develops their practical skills, enjoyment and curious thinking, creating a voice for themselves to have their own feelings on music. Our teaching ensures that regardless of what class pupils are in they are able to develop skills relevant to their ability and make progression within this. Our work will show that a range of themes are being covered, concepts are revisited, and cross curricular links are made where possible.

Our aim is to offer an inclusive curriculum that is relevant and adapted to the needs and abilities of all pupils.  We ensure inclusive opportunities for raising self-esteem and celebrating success so that all learners can reach their true full potential. Our pupils will all develop the key music skills and showcase these in an enjoyable, practical and enriching manner throughout their lessons in primary.


DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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