
The Ready2Learn Hub

Ready2Learn (R2L) is Muntham House School's Pastoral Support Service with an open-door policy. The Infants and Juniors have access to their own R2L located in the Hub.  All the pupils are known, valued, and given attention and respect in a time of need, even if it is just a listening ear. This ensures our pupils feel safe and secure and are able to access and manage education, social interactions, and their emotions by using this space and the staff.  The R2L Hub can be used as a strategy where the pupils can choose to bring themselves to R2L when they are feeling dysregulated and then be transitioned back to class once that need has been fulfilled. We teach the pupils to take responsibility for their behavior and learn healthy alternatives. We teach the pupils to ‘put right what has gone wrong and be reflective, restorative, reparative, and resilient. 

The space is also used to teach and support the pupils, on a 1-1 or small group basis, with their pastoral support, speech and language, and social skills, in a quiet and personal environment. There is a variety of resources for the pupils to access to match their specific needs.  The junior library is also located within the Hub where pupils can access a wide variety of books. All the books are graded and categorised into colours for different reading abilities, using a programme called Accelerated Reader. This way the pupils can access the books at their reading level determined through a termly test. We run a credit scheme where the pupils can earn money once they have read a book and completed a quiz, achieving 80% or above. They electronically bank this money throughout the term and then can cash it in and receive an amazon voucher. We also have the 100% club. Every time a pupil achieves 100% in the accelerated reader quiz, their name is put in the termly draw and they have the chance of winning a super prize! This has been a successful motivator for those reluctant readers.  

DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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