
BTEC Sport

At Muntham House School we offer the Pearson L2 BTEC First in Sport. This is a great course to progress on from completing the L1 Certificate in Year 11. The course comprises four units (three of which are coursework based, with one unit being externally assessed). 


Sports is a globally growing industry which not only entails a competitive nature but also many other industries, such as health and well-being and job opportunities.  With obesity and mental health issues on the rise, it is important for future generations to learn and understand not only the impacts but also the strategies on how to avoid and/or deal with such things.

Having the opportunity to study and take part in regular high-quality PE at KS5 provides POST-16 pupils with the opportunity to learn about the sports industry and important factors such as health, race and gender equality. Most pupils who study the BTEC Sport course have career aspirations in the sport. Some pupils will apply for an apprenticeship in the sports field or complete coaching qualifications in certain sports. Some pupils will apply to study KS5 PE/BTEC Sport for general interest and to develop leisure and future career opportunities.


At Muntham House School, we offer the Pearson L2 BTEC First in Sport. This is a great course to progress on from completing the L1 Certificate in Year 11. The course comprises four units (three of which are coursework based, with one unit being externally assessed.

  • Fitness for sport
  • Practical performance in sport
  • Applying principles of personal training
  • The mind and sports performance

All pupils completing this course receive a double lesson a day to ensure that all units can be first taught to the highest standard in preparation for each assignment. Pupils have gym memberships as part of their qualification and are scheduled to regularly visit the gym in line with the requirements of the qualification. This also continues to promote an active, healthy lifestyle, providing our young pupils with the skills needed to be academically, socially and emotionally successful in a challenging work-life modern world.


Pupils have always shown positive signs of progression in their respective courses, and pupil retention is also always been high. Pupils that are studying sport during KS5 are equipped with the knowledge, understanding and work ethic to have a promising and successful career in the sport sector. Pupils previously have progressed onto undertaking courses in personal training and sports coaching.

DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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