
Independence / Preparation for Adulthood

One of the advantages of engaging in the Post-16 programme is the chance to develop independence in a safe and caring setting. All our young people have the opportunity to attend college to enable them to learn new skills in line with their future employment goals.

Our young people are encouraged to use public transport to attend college and to access the community for leisure activities. We have easy access to cinemas, gyms, restaurants, etc. and all our young people are prompted to make plans with peers to go out and enjoy these many local services. Whilst onsite, our residents enjoy having their own space with a front door to close if they want some private time.

Once settled into the Post-16 way of life, our young adults do their own laundry, keep their flats clean and tidy and cook weekly for themselves with staff support, where needed. Pupils have mentioned that one of the things they appreciate about living in an Post-16 studio flat is the private bathroom.

The private living areas have a designated room to allow for independent study relating to their GCSE or college course. This is an invaluable space for quiet learning without interruption from other pupils. Our six flats for more senior pupils, also have a kitchen. This allows them to prepare drinks and snacks for themselves in their flat and store food for cooking in the main kitchen when they return after a day in school/college.

All our young adults are involved in planning activities both onsite and in the community. With the chance to develop their independence comes a healthier self-esteem, confidence in their choices for their future, and a sense of pride in their achievements.

DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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