
Young Enterprise

At Muntham House School we also recognise the need to have access to high quality careers and employability opportunities for our pupils. We offer a range of enterprise programmes and workshops which support careers education, provide meaningful employer encounters and help young people develop the skills they need for the future.

There are many examples of the great work the Post-16 pupils complete around our school site. They completely redecorated the Post-16 loungearea to give it a clean, bright homely feel they can be proud of. The pupils were also involved in the tough job of creating the new Muntham House Farm; digging the area, laying the sleepers for the raised beds and putting up the poly-tunnels. In fact, the school has benefitted hugely by all their hard work and commitment, but this does not go by unrewarded. As a thank you, the pupils can actually earn up to £500 by the end of the academic year. They are then given the responsibility of deciding how they would like to spend this, often choosing to go off on an exciting day out that all the group will enjoy. 

DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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